Small Groups
Small Groups are communities where we can meet and enjoy friends, learn together
and grow closer to God. We offer a variety of groups: some groups to study the Bible together, others to offer support to one another, and others to engage in activities together.
If you find a group that interests you, you can sign up using the form at the bottom of the page.
Prayer Group
The focus is on prayer for LVC, the City, the Country and the group members. Everyone leaves encouraged!
Leader: Raeann Schoudt
Audience: Adults
Where: LVC - Prayer Room
When: Monday nights, 6:30-8:00PM
Ladies bible study
Join us for The Surpassing Value of Knowing Christ: A Study of Philippians by Beth Moore. Written by the Apostle Paul, Philippians is four chapters of exhortation driven by unabashed affection, inviting the reader to join in imitating Paul's joyful, single-minded pursuit of Jesus. What kind of mindset makes a person like Paul: unstoppable in love, faith and good works even in a steady flow of frustration, conflict and opposition? This course was originally designed for 5 sessions, but we'll take it slow over 10 weeks. Along with the study, this group loves to worship, encourage and lift each other up in prayer...and we always have tasty treats!
Leaders: Brenda Kerfoot, Debbie Emmert, Lou Bagladi, Cassie Wissink, Kathy Brown
Audience: Women
Where: LVC - Room 2
When: Tuesdays, 9:30 - 11:30 am
Praying the Psalms Men's Group
Leader: Mike Kelly
Audience: Men
Where: LVC Room 2
When: Thursdays, 6:00 - 7:00 AM
Saturday Morning Men's
We'll spend some time the Bible, discuss it, receive encouragement and pray for one another.
Leaders: Jason Howe & Jim Merlino
Audience: Men
Where: LVC - Room 8
When: Saturdays, 10:00 am
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